history of the arkansas state firefighter association
things we’ve accomplished

April 16, 2013
Act 1345 required that the Arkansas Fire Protection Services Board draft rules and a form concerning universal fire department insurance reimbursement.

MARCH 25, 2015
Passage of Act 232, expanding a ban on novelty lighters to include gas grills and other combustible material that featured entertaining audio or visuals that appeal to children. This ban increases fire safety to protect citizens statewide.
Passage of Act 880, to prohibit the distribution of insurance premium tax money to inactive fire departments. This money will instead be allocated to active fire departments.

APRIL 14, 2021
Passage of Act 1391, to provide additional funding for the Arkansas Forestry Commission. This act will add 20 cents per acre on timberland, and will help the Forestry Commission secure adequate funding to protect the timberlands and allow the Fire Service to effectively fight wildland fires.

March 22, 2014
After a decade of construction, the Arkansas Fallen Firefighters Memorial was dedicated. Politicians, service members, families and spectators all gathered to say one big thank you to those who gave their lives in service.
“Whether it’s Little Rock, North Little Rock, Pine Bluff, Los Angeles, Miami, or Washington D.C., they are a code of brothers and sisters,” said Gov. Mike Beebe.

MARCH 20, 2019
Passage of Act 639, an act to increase the additional fee for firefighter license plates to $5.00, in order to donate the funds to the Arkansas Fallen Firefighters Memorial Board. This act increased the fee for purchase of ASFA, APFF, and Retiree firefighter tags. This increased fee brings in approximately $60,000 per year toward the Fallen Firefighters Memorial project.

APRIL 15, 2021
Arkansas lawmakers passed a bill granting firefighters fighting cancer more sick leave.
House Bill 1773, known as “Crump’s Law” honors Little Rock firefighter Nathaniel Crump, who spent his final days on the job while battling job-related cancer because he’d exhausted all of his sick leave.

JUNE 10, 2015
Passage of Act 1345, to require all departments to use a Uniform Billing Form to be approved by the Arkansas Fire Protection Services board (AFPSB) for reimbursement from insurance companies.

February 5, 2020
A groundbreaking ceremony for the Fire Training Academy’s Housing Project was held at the AFTA grounds. The facility, featuring 39,000 square feet of sleeping quarters, dining areas, lounge and study areas, offices, and more, will be greatly appreciated by the members of the Fire Training Academy.

APRIL 19, 2021
Passage of Act 1091 and Act 1256, creating a cornerstone to make the Arkansas Fire Training Academy and Fire Protection Services Board stronger in order to better represent the Arkansas Fire Service. These acts realigned the board, added members with expertise and information to share, and gave the board more control regarding the hiring of a new AFA director.
the asffa today
We have accomplished so much in the last 100 years, but we’re not done yet! The Arkansas State Firefighter Association is always working on new legislation and making sure each firefighter in Arkansas has the highest quality training possible, as well as growing in community together through events and yearly conventions.
what the asffa does
the 2023 board of officers
President, Crossett Fire Department
jeff jones
Vice President, Central Fire Department
rob ingram
Secretary-Treasurer, Brookland Fire Department
ryan jones
Deputy Secretary Treasurer, Walnut Ridge Fire Department
brad moore
Legislative Chair, Marion Fire Department
Trustee, Marked Tree Fire Department
michael willhite
Trustee, Crossett Fire Department
ben hammond
Trustee, Sheridan Fire Department
Roger Smith
Legislative Consultant, Hot Springs Village Fire Department (retired)
Roger Smith is a retired insurance salesman and a former Arkansas Representative, and has been working with the ASFFA since around 2008. While partnering with him on legislative work, we quickly learned that if Roger thought something was a good idea and needed to be done for the firefighters of Arkansas, he wouldn’t quit until he found a way.
Roger is a retired volunteer firefighter for Hot Springs Village Fire Department where he served from the early 70s until the late 90s. He’s always been dedicated and hardworking. From his insurance work to his time at the State House, he was determined to make an impact.
Roger played a large role in his local department by starting an ambulance service but went on to do even bigger things for the firefighters throughout the state of Arkansas. During his time as a state representative, he drafted legislation that helps all Arkansas firefighters, such as allowing volunteer departments to purchase fuel tax free.
His biggest accomplishment so far was not as a firefighter or as a member of the state house, but as the ASFFA’s legislative consultant. A few years ago, Roger got legislation passed to build a new dormitory on the campus of the Arkansas Fire Training Academy. This allowed us to replace the outdated dorms in Camden. We are proud to say with huge help from this gentleman, the AFTA held its first rookie school class in the new dormitory in March of 2021.
As you can see, this retired firefighter has done a lot for his department, the citizens of Arkansas, and all the firefighters and fire departments around the state. We are proud to have Roger Smith as our Legislative Consultant for the ASFFA.